【同义词辨析】 2017-08-24 类型type-sort
type: may suggest strong and clearly marked similarity throughout the items included so that the distinctiveness of the group is obvious: one of three basic body ~s. 如racial/blood/contract/tank types人种/血型/合同/坦克类型,如the Type-003 aircraft carrier是003型航母,如she mixes with all types of people和各种类型的人打交道,可见type最通用 similarity, resemblance,和likeness这里都泛指相似,没有区别
kind: may be indefinite and involve any criterion of classification whatever: that ~ of ice-cream; or may suggest natural and intrinsic criteria: a zoo with animals of every ~.
sort: often close to kind, may suggest a note of disparagement: the ~ of newspaper dealing in sensational stories. 表示不好的、不喜欢的一类事物,应该用sort,如all sorts of troubles/problems各种麻烦/问题,如本例,那种煽情的报纸 to deal in买卖经营
nature: may imply inherent, essential resemblance rather than obvious, superficial likeness: two problems of a similar ~. inherent内在的固有的essential本质的必不可少的 don't worry about things of that nature别担心那类事情, 本例: 两个问题本质上属于同一类
ilk: may suggest grouping on the basis of status, attitude, or temperament: synics of that ~. temperament性情,是指天生的性格
description: implies a group marked by agreements in all details of a type as described or defined: not all individuals of that ~ are truly psychotic. 精神病患者,不要和psycho精神变态者混淆
character: stresses the distinguishing and individualizing criteria that mark the group: a society with little of the ~ of an advanced culture.
type类型: 十分通用,表示同类成员强烈相似,与其他显著不同, kind种类: 分类标准较随意的(任何标准), 没有type严格明确,常表示对自然事物的分类, sort种类: 同kind,但有时暗含贬义, nature(本质)类型: 指本质内在固有地相似的一类事物,而非表面相似, ilk(人的)类型: 指具有相似地位态度性格的一类人, description(描述的)类型: 指符合某一描述的类型, character品格: 指具有特有特征(distinguish, individualize区分辨别)的类型
记忆方法: 1) 首字母TKSNIDC重组成Ti Cai和KINDS题材种类<==类型
2) 练习一下
3) 类型的意思是具有共同属性的个体的集合mean a number of individuals thought of as a group because of a common quality or qualities.首字母TKSNIDC重组成Ti Cai和KINDS题材种类<==类型